Pioneer Gun Club Membership

Who Are Pioneer Members?

Pioneer members are men and women just like you. They have jobs, families, pets, in-laws, hobbies and responsibilities. The vast majority of members hardly ever come to the range. A few spend considerable time there. Only a very small part of our land is used by anyone. Our shooters never fire a firearm at any point on the property except at a designated firing point. It is clearly and specifically forbidden and prohibited to have a loaded gun at any point on Pioneer property except on a firing point and even there, not until the clearance is given to load and fire. All of those firing points are in one area with a street leading from the county road to the firing area. Pioneer members are regulated by an extensive set of rules and regulations and a code of conduct. Safety is most heavily stressed. The club is regulated by a set of by-laws and directed by an Executive Board which is elected by the members. The club membership has the final say in all instances and meets quarterly on the second Thursday in the months of February, May, August and November. Membership status is highly coveted and the average membership tenure is very long. The cropland and pastureland areas are rented to a local farmer. He, too, is bound by the same rules and regulations as the members. Pioneer members do not engage in any para-military activities and, in fact, the code of conduct and members themselves discourage the wearing of military type clothing to the range.

Membership Requirements

Any Legal Resident of the United States over the age of 18, that can legally own and possess firearms, may become a member of Pioneer Gun Club. Membership applicants must be accepted by the membership at a meeting of the general club membership. MEMBERSHIP COSTS: Each new member is required to pay a one-time initial initiation fee of $200.00. Membership dues are $300.00 per year, spouse memberships are $150.00. A membership year is the period from March 1 through the end of February of the following year (late fee applied if not paid by April 1). New membership applicant fees are pro-rated from March 1 to January 31 of each year. NRA membership is required and the member or applicant may apply or renew membership individually or through the club. WHAT IS EXPECTED OF AN INDIVIDUAL MEMBER: Members are expected to be safe shooters. They are expected to cooperate with and be tolerant of other shooters and be obedient to the rules and code of conduct. They must be considerate of our neighbors. Members are expected to maintain the security of the club property and assist each other with the maintenance of the property. Members are encouraged to bring guests to the range. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES: The By-Laws outline the procedure to deal with violations of the rules and By-Laws. Disciplinary action can range from warnings to expulsion from the club depending on the severity of the action.

If you are interested in becoming a member please contact us!

Governing Organization

Pioneer Gun Club, Inc. is a not for profit corporation with a charter in the state of Missouri. The club is under the direction of the Executive Board which consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors of each shooting division and two Members at Large Representatives. The executive board meets monthly in a business meeting and the club membership meets quarterly on the second Thursday. The meetings, under the direction of the club president, are of business content and sometimes feature a speaker with subject matter related to current gun related topics. The Executive Board meets at 6:00 pm. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Brickyard Block House. The Club meetings are quarterly in February, May, August and November at 7:00 pm and are usually held at the Bass Pro Conservation Room. The meetings are intended to allow the membership to become acquainted with the activities of the club and their vote controls the club. No significant activity takes place without the vote and approval of the club membership. Any member is permitted to bring club related material before the meeting in accordance with the basic rules of Parliamentary Procedure and each member has voting rights. THE BY-LAWS: The club government is based on the club By-Laws. The By-Laws are contained in the member booklet with the Range Rules and the Code of Conduct. THE RANGE RULES AND CODE OF CONDUCT: Each member is presented with a booklet containing the Range Rules and the Code of Conduct. Members are expected to be familiar with each and refer to the booklet when necessary. Want more information? E-mail us: or fill out the information form on the right side of this website.